Sunday, May 20, 2007

gist of 2 sunny days @

so here i met a set of ideal hammer in the savvy with today's world...sad that they seemed to be spending a lot of themselves in slotting others in 'not so cool' category. It was sad primarily because they seemed, two in particular out of three, really bright, infact brilliant at their craft...but they started out with conclusions. If i wear their shoes for a while, i will indeed come across as stubborn in my views, may be concepts need a little dusting off...but what else could be offered to be them? not everyone is as polished, u need to work at them. yeah? for glad i got to meet them because A) one of them was genuinely a comforting soul, brilliant and popular B) other one was just very 'ah-i-ve-read- so-many-books- and-i am- so-informed- hence- im-one-hell-of-a-superior-guys'...and exactly this attitude of starting out with notion of 'whoever-u-r-iam-better' made his brilliance go slightly lack-lustre. I mean, Why cant it be win-win situation for everyone in the game?...why cant it be 'im ok, u ok' situation? C) third, she appeared pretty-and-with-good-jargons-and-short-skirted woman, i wasnt impressed, im sure there must be people who would like her loads. I liked her, but as i said, not impressed.


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