Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Its the way you make me feel.....

Buster. No dribbly text to follow.
'Cause when I say 'you' I mean the world, and with 'me' I mean us, we. I stumbled upon an emotional discovery, a discovery everyone makes n times in one-life time and every time, it dawns on us, it feels spiritually fresh, it feels like 'eureka'. What makes one tick...is not what it appears to make one tick. It’s the way I feel or made to feel dealing with things, dealing with whatever I am meant to deal with. If you stick to a job for a fair span, (factors like need, liquidity crunch etc. being constant or controlled) it is not only because of the currency they stuff your mouth with to mute your vocal chords, but also because of the way that job would make you feel...how rewarded you feel in terms of doing what you are meant to do, to tap skills you are proud to have , how much is it able to keep ur self-esteem intact how much can you see-saw ur personal and professional existence, would decide ur stay at a particular place. There are vibes a city has, people have…it’s the way they make you feel, whats the comfort level they provide, do they ensure they dont make u feel small, what’s the breathing space your soul gets, do u get to have an access to the 'real you’ and not the ‘programmed you’ would be crucial.
Having said that, this life feels like a bad day that never ends.


Blogger Lokesh-ious RJ writes said...

you know what? I feel like putting my papers right away!!

11:10 PM  
Blogger Holy Growl said...

:) Hmmm....in my mind i had put in my papers a hundred times, before actually putting in my papers one day. It was a simple affair. then u realize that the whole (or almost) complication and confusion was one-sided.

6:08 AM  

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