Saturday, April 11, 2009


Im writing for the heck of it...i have the luxury to be virtually connected so here I am ...but I am darne sure to make a thorough job of it...not quality wise...but im not the sorts to leave a big piece of cake in the fridge for the next day....i like to have the goodie then and there ...long after i dont want to have it at they say 'give me more than i can stand' ...thats how u give up a thing...if u r meant to give up a thing...otherwise whats so great in giving up things......
Right now, two interruptions walked in black t-shirt and jeans. I dont feel 'super' in their presence. that the word for people who arent comfortable with people or may be dispise the entire species....i dont wanna check whether thats what they call it...these 2 people cast a chilling effect on my appetite to run my train of thoughts without veux la liberté