Friday, July 31, 2009

my life needs some editting....

Yes, there is indeed a part of my life that i'd like to edit but im glad i cant, in fact i would live exactly the same way given a second chance. Why so? that's because the conditions today may make me feel that i should have extended help to my people, yeah! MY people...after all the pain and friction some people remain YOUR people....but i don't guess, i had enough oxygen myself that give away my own worn out oxygen mask. Moreover, for the first time i was unraveling in myself a strong sense of some entitlement. Time that followed made me a nomad...and today people wont be called insane to call me insane, though in my heart i know im not cause if i go by their definition, i was born insane! But that's not a pronouncement...oh lord no it is not! i don't fall into the category...a disillusioned category of young people...who spend their energy extra-ordinarily just to prove that they are "DIFFERENT' and their "DIFFERENT' is 'BETTER'. Whereas we are all the same whether we like or not....little difference in packaging....and the real charm is when i imagine that any of pair of eyes other than mine that some day may soak up and in these words i wrote, understands what i mean ...and that shall make me sigh and say ' thank god, its good to have some company'.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

talk over phone when there's no one on the other side....

There's dark matter in the space...that's slowly engulfing everything...and there's dark matter within. Its expanding too...U wake up every fifteen minutes as if u've heard the safety alarm ring....if i close my eyes, i only lose sight of d visible world. U cant blame anyone, u shouldn't. U are exactly in the position that u were meant to be and the traitors in sight are actually facilitators helping u to meet what u were meant to get. Thank you people. As I close my eyes, i only lose sight of the visible world, the physical world....World should be beautiful even when i don't see it. I love the creator, unconditionally. And I ask god.... Do u have anything to learn from me? DO u take offense when I blabber? OK, be honest...have u ever ...just for a moment loved me back? Don't answer...your answer doesn't really change the way i feel . I trust ur laws....but please go easy on me and my people.

answer me....

-There's no rain. Why?

-There are less clouds that's why.

-Why are there less clouds when the summers were hot enough?

-because there was a certain 'aila' in west Bengal, that spoilt the system.

-Oh really, i don't think so. I have been around for a very long time. such storms come and go. Clouds don't lose their way completely, there may be a temporary frenzy but then they map their way home...that's the earth ground....from where their journey began.

-OK, there are no rains 'cause we cut many trees.

-This ecosystem is supposed to be self-correcting, it can pour down so much that trees grow again and there's no time to cut trees in the heavy downpour.

-Well, it didn't rain cause u cant be nth time lucky.

-Seems u've made up ur mind to cut me short any which way. In such times it doesn't really matter what i say 'cause i walk in the valley of the way i never cut one tree and the one's who cut aren't bothered whether it rains. Wow!