Saturday, January 23, 2010

new year!

we all have faces that haunt us at night....and when things stretch too far...then, in the days.
bad day only unfolded to prove how less important i am for certain people, im concerned abt. mum informed me that im psychotic and reprehensible. i got acquainted with inexplicable jealousy, directed towards me by of a woman i have gone out of my way to help many a times. a baby who is the center of my personal universe declared that he doesn't enjoy spending time with me, i give benefit of doubt to him though because i hit him today after he suggested, that the woman who i had a row with, is much better than me, he made these horrifying confessions in that woman's presence....i was drenched in a blue-green wrath...and forced all my strength in slaps....blasphemy indeed..'cause the smacks had changed my life in a mini-way....hated myself for having thrashed the baby for his innocence. rich came in handy and very helpful in those trying times. now my temples are throbbing, and i feel completely drained and washed out...a lot of emotional stir dries me out...doesn't suit me. those slaps will haunt me for years ...have accumulated bad karmas ...enough to mess-up my many todays n tomorrows


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