Monday, October 05, 2009

october rains!

An incredibly dull day. One look out of the window, and it was all misty, soggy and almost monochromatic. In the evening, avoided a friend's phone call. Shouldn't use the word 'friend' if i am avoiding her. Am i angry with her? Then what it is it exactly that's distancing me from my friends. Ok, lets share the blame 50-50. I am bit of a recluse and she is bit of a ...i don't even wanna analyze her behavior, 'cause the whole exercise would bore me so much that I'll end up snoozing on the keyboard. I feel bad for her...should I?? Yeah! i should but then i have a reason...why is she so intermittent...why cant people invest in me on a consistent basis and then express their fake sadness when i am done with them? This world is a big show-off. I am continuously facing this problem...not getting enough in comparison to how much iam giving away. I'll mail some old time acquaintances tomorrow to make up for my behaviour today. Will i actually touch base with these people...ah! No...i'll sleep the whole day off. I am done with people...for some time.


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