oops! thats patchy...
there's a house ....our house...we pay the guards to keep its doors bolted all-the-time..but when we are gone...assassins come and kill our people. Lets place the blame now....alright those killers without a doubt. then what about those guards we paid and trusted...and they still left the door ajar. that's our indian government for u. and not even once did they sorry for leaving the frontiers porous. those gobbledygooks kept talking inapt macho stuff against pakistan. pakistan has always been like is...barring some people there, though i dont know them...but all places have good and bad people...so there must be good people there too. And whoa! havent they managed to shift the anger, they should have faced the music and taken accountability for their laxity...anuways who's listening? no one. but im talking and thats what matters.
there's no concept of time...time does not exist....we have invented this notion...because there's a beginning and an end....and we have got to break the existence into systematic slots ..of equidistant points.
X= Hi, Y= Hmmm. X= So?? Y = yeah?? X= I was waiting to meet you. Y= Oh! :) X= Werent you? Y= wasnt i waiting to meet you? X= yeah. Y= i thought it would be good to meet you. X= you mean, you werent eager? Y=....( no) X= i dont understand. Y=hmm?( neither do i) X= ... Y= .....X= Have you met someone? Y = .....( yes, i have met myself but no one would understand what i mean by that) uh! so tell me hows ur job going? X= blah, blah, blah, blah. Y= .....(earth's getting hotter, its pretty warm for a february day, need a good scarf. This one wont change,still keeps hair so oiled all the time, reaching shirt's top buttons so many times while talking...they say its sign of self-consciousness! ...oh ok! let me hear a little whats being talked about!) wow! sounds like a great profile, im really happy for u.